
Project Title : The Survey Report of Collections in Memorial Hall of Xubeihong, Beijing

中文摘要 Abstract


徐悲鴻(1895-1953)為中國近代重要藝術家、美術教育家及收藏家,一生作品數量龐大,代表作品藏於北京徐悲鴻紀念館。1918年徐悲鴻發表著名〈中國畫改良之方法〉,1919年前往法國,後考入巴黎國立高等美術學院(école nationale supérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris)學習西方美術傳統,以人物素描/油畫見長。


Xu Beihong (徐悲鴻,1895-1953) was a worldwide famous painter,collector and artist in Modern China. In his liftetime he created many works, and still to today those precious artworks mainly maintain in Memorial Hall of Xubeihong,Beijing. Xu published a well-known book Chinese Painting Reformation in 1918, then learned Western art technique at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, especially oil painting and drawing.

After Xu returned from France in 1927, he concentrated upon three items,as fellows,

1. Improving Chinese painting, especially portraits.

2. Stressing on the Realism and Drawing

3. Developing paintings of Epic Chinese themes





 Painting Epic Chinese theme was the milestone of Xu in professional career. He also embodied his revolution theory of painting by this. My thesis discusses Mountain Ghost ( or Maintain Spirit, Shan-Gue), which is one of his later important works, so my latest project wants to make a survey of his portrait paintings and documents both.

The works in Memorial Hall of Xubeihong located in Beijing are donated by his wife, Liao Jing Wen (1923-2015), after his departure from this world in 1953. For scholars, this place is a must-see one. Meanwhiles, I am also going to his birthplace Yi-Xing to collect information, where the other Memorial Hall of Xubeihong has been since 1988.




Xu had plenty of publications and paintings, full of controversies for a long time. Some people have good comments; vice versa. However, any art resercher must look back to discover the meaning of work itself. It can help researchers recognize what Xu had done in his era, something hidden in those works. I hope this travel in China can help me understand how Xu detailedly dealt with the protagonist in his works.  Since Xu passed away, it has been over 60 years. Re-discovering the meaning of his portrait paintings is worth and important for the history of Chinese modern art.



譯自 錢上云碩士研究計畫



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