
a portrait of a friar  hahaha...

Skelling Michael


 正史說St.Patrick是愛爾蘭島上第一位傳教士,學者尋考又說:St.Patrick融合 Brigid of Kildare & Columba ,三者合一的傳說, 逐步完成愛爾蘭島基督化歷史.  好像三位一體Trinity.

    那時正值西元四世紀到六世紀,西方的中心在羅馬,再晚一點移到了地中海君士坦丁堡. 但是傳教士們銜命沒得說,天陲海隅都是教皇輿圖,率土之濱莫非信眾. 教士頭頂剃淨,祝髮所餘僅繞著耳上一圈頭顱, 修士隱居,天險易守,也不須守,清心讀聖經,在羊皮上抄寫文書裝飾釘板, 等著歲月過去, 受命為神父, 可以施行七大禮, 可能的話再渡海,進入教廷核心組織 ; 另一種可能, 鷗鳥為友,吹著海風,沉沉夜晚,緩緩誦經, 慢慢老去.   

   Loreena Mckennitt的姓氏由Mc ,蘇格蘭蓋爾語謂Mac ~ 某人之子,如同Fitz為諾曼地和愛爾蘭蓋爾語為某人之子意.  南到法國,北到威爾斯,蘇格蘭,愛爾蘭都是古居爾特文化地.  她的第一張和第二張專輯  Elemental 和 Parallel Dream汲取居爾特元素, 寫下諸多夢曲: Stolen Child (Walter Bulter Yeats 詩), Dickens' Dublin, 卻將這首Skelling ( Micheal )收在東西方相遇的 The Book of Secrets . 1999年她在Paris 和 Toronto開演唱會, 安可曲當然不會漏過All Souls Night , 全場歡聲雷動, 鬼節的靈魂都出來共襄盛舉了.  題外.聽The Visit cd版和 齊豫的 Tears cd , 分不清兩首All Souls Night是誰唱的.然而 Nights from Alhambra 現場收音, Loreena McKennitt 唱到 I can see the light in the distant trembling in the dark night 高了一個八度.


現場收音版 Skelling

Loreena Mckennitt : ( slowly speaking, slow motion you can imagine)

   Thank you. What's the great pleasure  and joyce this evening,  you have joined us. Particularily this is wonderful hour. It's great. 下豎琴前奏...

歌,曲,詞:Loreena Mckenniit  取自 "祕史" 專輯 The book of Secrets

O light the candle, John
The daylight has almost gone
The birds have sung their last
The bells call all to mass

Sit here by my side
For the night is very long
There's something I must tell
Before I pass along

I joined the brotherhood
My books were all to me
I scribed the words of God
And much of history

Many a year was I
Perched out upon the sea
The waves would wash my tears,
The wind, my memory

I'd hear the ocean breathe
Exhale upon the shore
I knew the tempest's blood
Its wrath I would endure

And so the years went by
Within my rocky cell
With only a mouse or bird
My friend; I loved them well

And so it came to pass
I'd come here to Romani
And many a year it took
Till I arrived here with thee

On dusty roads I walked
And over mountains high
Through rivers running deep
Beneath the endless sky

Beneath these jasmine flowers
Amidst these cypress trees
I give you now my books
And all their mysteries

Now take the hourglass
And turn it on its head
For when the sands are still
'Tis then you'll find me dead

O light the candle, John
The daylight is almost gone
The birds have sung their last
The bells call all to mass

O light the candle, John
The daylight has almost gone
The birds have sung their last
The bells call all to mass

Sit here by my side
For the night is very long
There's something I must tell
Before I pass along

I joined the brotherhood
My books were all to me
I scribed the words of God
And much of history

Many a year was I
Perched out upon the sea
The waves would wash my tears,
The wind, my memory

I'd hear the ocean breathe
Exhale upon the shore
I knew the tempest's blood
Its wrath I would endure

And so the years went by
Within my rocky cell
With only a mouse or bird
My friend; I loved them well

And so it came to pass
I'd come here to Romani
And many a year it took
Till I arrived here with thee

On dusty roads I walked
And over mountains high
Through rivers running deep
Beneath the endless sky

Beneath these jasmine flowers
Amidst these cypress trees
I give you now my books
And all their mysteries

Now take the hourglass
And turn it on its head
For when the sands are still
'Tis then you'll find me dead

O light the candle, John
The daylight is almost gone
The birds have sung their last
The bells call all to mass


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