
Zindaggi  Rocks  

      我喜歡這部電影. 儘管破綻百出, 儘管 Sushmita sen不復青春年少,"Zindaggi"(命運) 交織 "Rocks" (震盪),經導演統籌之下,流洩出哀而不傷的人生曲調.

      只有女導演才知道怎樣的眼神讓人悽惻,無庸Shah Rukh Khan氾濫成災的淚光瑩瑩, 無須 Ajay Devgan死氣沉沉的無奈吊稍眼, 扮演Dr. Suraj 的 男演員恪守本份的轉動一雙淡綠眼珠, 守護著屬於他的寂寞. 令人訝異,寶萊塢(記得~只有寶萊塢)居然拍得出這麼緩慢的抒情感受,不過份的歇斯底里尾隨病院看護們的耳語和同情, 喚醒所有觀眾. 人生充斥突如其來的意外在一開始的大象島的Shiva神像解說後就定調,望不盡的石柱迴響著Suraj抑制的嗟嘆, 接著暮靄四合, Suraj回顧往事, 孟買印度門閃爍於夜色之中益發嫵媚,可也讓夜色吞盡滄桑. Suraj所說的際遇巧合, 帶點幸運,也帶著不幸.墨色的天空和阿拉伯海面溶溶相映襯,故事似乎就這麼沒完沒了.

       敘事以穿珠法連接兩主角, 穿過了 Suraj後,再穿上Kria.兩者的人生態度涇渭分明,樂觀的搖滾歌手Kria, 未婚收養孩子(猜想:她真實生活中也是如此,是以取得這個角色?), 開心玩笑不拘小節甚至瘋瘋癲癲 , Dr. Suraj (名字內含" 太陽"之義)則是被烏雲遮住的太陽,妻子車禍成了植物人,他愁雲慘霧. 交集之處是因為他們相戀了, 樂觀的女子教導落寞的男子釋懷. 男子也照作, 加入她的家庭, 女子以為他們會這麼開心一生. 爾後莫名的變故,換她臨難, 男子消失了好久,女子面對苦痛,走完一生.  或許太過狠心, 來日當大難, 休戚與共只是才子佳人小說的套路. 唯其不易,方才成為箴言諄諄或是傳唱傳奇;反之,大難各自飛才是人生最真實的態度. 曾經是Kria拉了Suraj一把;後來Suraj害怕前塵再次往復,逃了出去, Kria獨自愀心掙扎於變故.有天Suraj回來,事情卻晚了.印度觀眾誚之: "毫無關聯,一點也不"rocks". 縱然是一部戲劇,豈不見"如有雷同純屬巧合",巧合畢竟是少數,  人生的變故際遇難以預測, 平凡淡然俱矣已, 走到最後一刻, 都還不知道倒底值不值. Suraj懷疑Kria的選擇, 他覺得人生不該是這樣, Kria曾反詰認為值得. 兩人不曾經歷轟轟烈烈的戀情,現實的磨難就先迎了上來,兩人經歷相似的痛苦, 層出不窮的打擊,本來開朗的人所現的慌亂尤有過之. Zindaggi Rock說的只是一段人和命運的故事, Anu malik寫下東方宿命感的曲調Ek Din Fursat.最後畫面停格在Kria為子攝錄的的DV畫面, 讓人生Rock精彩搖滾的大概就是主角自覺得值得的事.誰也說不得準,誰也說不上精彩.唯有嚐過的人方知分曉.

網路上惟三片段  關於Zingaadi Rocks

mix version Ek Din Furat ( 照片是Aishwarya Rai + Sushmita Sen)

1. mere dhoop


惡評如潮 (甚至有口皆呸吧?)的  Zingaadi Rocks

Zindaggi Rocks - Movie Review Courtesy:IndiaFM Friday, October 06, 2006

  Noble intentions don't necessarily translate into engrossing entertainers. Sometimes, a thought-provoking idea doesn't reach the winning post due to the writer's inefficiency to narrate a poignant tale. That's the problem with Zindaggi Rocks. The concept of a mother sacrificing her life for her child can be identified by every parent across the globe. It's a universal theme. But Tanuja Chandra, the director, gets minimal support from Tanuja Chandra, the writer, in narrating a moving story.

   Yes, the penultimate reels of Zindaggi Rocks do try to salvage the show, but the journey from start to end is not captivating enough. The cons outweigh and outnumber the pros in this case! Zindaggi Rocks revolves around Dr. Suraj [Shiney Ahuja], the shy, cynical workaholic doctor and Kria [Sushmita Sen], a pop singer. Suraj meets Kria in the hospital. She's got a gash on her arm, which needs to be looked into immediately. Kria senses that something is amiss in Suraj's life and decides to take him on a date. Suraj agrees reluctantly! Suraj is introduced to Kria's mad family: A stern mother and a fun-loving aunt [Moushumi Chatterjee in a dual role], cousin Joy [Kim Sharma] and Kria's adopted son Dhruv [Julian]. Kria and Suraj are drawn to each other. But there's a twist in the tale: Dhruv has a hole in his heart and needs a heart transplant. The problem with Zindaggi Rocks clearly lies in its screenplay. Although the film starts off well the two extremes [Sush, Shiney] getting attracted to each other the sequence of events thereafter don't have the power to sustain interest. Basic things like names of the characters confuse the viewer no end. Shiney is sometimes referred to as Suraj and at times, Rihan. Even the child is at places called Dhruv and in some scenes, Romi.

Okay, it's a trivial issue. But the moment the child faints during the intermission point, the viewer is told that he is a blue baby [with a hole in the heart]. The next few sequences clearly give an impression of what's cooking in Sush's mind. It doesn't take time to guess that the mother [Sush] is going to sacrifice her life to save her adopted son. But while the viewer can fathom what's happening, Shiney doesn't. Either he can't read her mind or he doesn't want to!

Also, the entire track of Shiney approaching a senior citizen [one Firoz Panthaki] for a heart transplant, who in turns informs the cops of Shiney's constant phone calls, looks slipshod. This unwanted track only adds to the length of the film. Even the track involving Kim Sharma and her boyfriend appears half-baked. The last few minutes are the best part of the enterprise, but it's too late to salvage the enterprise by then.

Emotions play a strong role in a film that talks of the mother-son bonding, but the emotions in Zindaggi Rocks are superficial and at times, fake. Especially the bonding between the child and Sushmita's family. You don't feel the pain primarily because the writing lacks moments that would make you moist-eyed.

Tanuja Chandra's execution isn't faulty, but her screenplay is. Anu Malik's music is passable, with a couple of lilting tracks ['Meri Dhoop Hai Tu' and 'Humko Chhoone Paas Aayiye']. Amirr Sayed's cinematography is first-rate. Also, the film bears an upmarket look all through.

Sush tries hard to infuse life in her character. She is effective at places, but tends to get theatrical at times. Shiney does a decent job, although the screenplay gives him little scope to go beyond a set of expressions. Moushumi Chatterjee is okay as the mother, but hams as the twin-sister. The get-up also doesn't suit her age. Kim Sharma is wasted. The child artist, Julian, is wonderful. Seema Biswas, as the cop, is alright. Ravi Gosain gets no scope.

On the whole, Zindaggi Rocks just doesn't rock. At the box-office, it's bound to go unnoticed.

    創作者 吉祥天女 的頭像

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