

差點被Rhea撞見相約密會的 Dev&Maya

  兩女渾不知前方有險, 同行過街.  這段Rani Mukerji表情演技佳, Preity Zinta 更是出色.

  大小AB共舞,類同於K3G的 You are My Sonia 舞蹈場景. 這首曲名" Rock N Roll Soniye "

    Dev (SRK飾) 巧遇婚前憂鬱的新娘Maya (Rani飾)


Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna  愛在虛無飄緲間

  稱 Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna 為本年度印度眾所矚目大戲之一,一點都不為過. 不僅導演美稱印度藝能才子,身兼編 ' 導 '主持三方位,而且來歷與Josh Chopra (有子Aditya Chopra, Uday Chopra) , Darsharm 三門鼎立影壇;  Bachchan, Kapoor家是藝人名門,而前者橫跨製作公司. Shah Rukh Khan於DDLJ(Karan Johar客串喔)後, Chopra , SRK, Johar三家結為莫逆. "KANK" 打從編.導.製作公司再網羅Bollywood名門大戶, 五大主角:Amitabh, Abhishek,Rani, Priety, Shah Rukh Khan, 輔以母親專門戶Kiron Kher,俊美的Arjun Rampal,Kajol客串(要仔細找喔,出現不到一分鐘),這般雄厚資本, 連Darsharn也無能為力吧! 一旦這部戲再次消費 DDLJ , 在美國車站炮製兒童版"勇敢的心抱得新娘"的著名主題曲Tujhe Dekha To, 我不禁懷疑要再反覆多少次, 十多年過去了, Kajol琵琶別抱在Fanaa,SRK和Rani在KANK同時借用, 層層相因直至觀眾生厭為止?

      Karan Johar編導的故事無它, 少年早發的Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (Kajol, SRK, Rani, Salman,1998), 到K3G(Amitabh, Jaya, Kajol, SRK, Rani. Kareena, Hrithik,2001)   ,後來Kal Ho Na Hol(2003), 迄今Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna ,均為當紅影星出馬, 大場面大製作,寓"倫理"於其中. K3G的主角群們,無論是英倫或是印度,富比封君, 巍巍宮闕乃至深宅豪門, 先饗以耳目後, 告訴觀眾  "It is a story about your loving parents. "雖然故事背景拉拔英倫,或至紐約, 編劇和導演時時耳提面命"傳統印度生活","印度價值",K3G直譯可為"有時歡笑有時淚",造成歡笑與淚水的正是枉顧兒子個人意志的父親,而母親在一旁無能為力,逼得養子遠走異國,最後皆大歡喜,父子相擁,說明"天下無不是的父母".  Kal Ho Na Hol沒有K3G沉重的道德倫理, 僑居紐約的印度人盡量維持母國的生活方式, Preity Zinta和Shah Rukh Khan, Saif Ali Khan一同打造了一個紐約印度社群,生活方式是現代的,思想概念是印度的,YOU ARE MY SONIA之流的曲風以及婚宴SANGEET主題一再出現, Kal Ho Nal Ho 至多是一則異國風景畫.


      睽違三年出手, Karan Johar的故事背景依舊是外國僑民, 故事內涵不再固守城池;可是也暴露出Karan Johar無力描繪的僑民社會. 前三部戲的僑民們曾在印度生活,後來移居海外;有的是移民二代,根本不曾言及他們在異國社群的關係, 純粹葛天氏之民般的烏托邦社會, 是以 敘述偶有繁蕪累贅,歡天喜地襲捲而來, 絕不突兀,屢有信手拈來的印度式歡笑! KANK 講述兩個第二代移民(或者是第三代,大AB演的是第二代,小AB的角色是第三代)家庭, 思想生活方式不再印度, 反而更逼近美國. Karan Johar想像中的現代僑民生活是背叛,是猜忌,是躊躇,是不忠,均無不可, 毋意,毋我,毋必,毋故,誰知道人生是什麼樣子?可是Karan Johar在編劇的過程中, 完全架空了人物們的性格, 他無力掌控一個想像的外國世界, 還有他們美國背景塑造的處世態度, 以至人人流於表面的"美國化". 兩對家庭婚姻觸礁, 可能早於八年前Dev和Maya相遇的那刻,Dev-Rhea  和 Rishi-Maya兩對,八年後再遇, 是人生不可承受的命運使然. 外遇催化, 夫妻嫉妒,在他筆下彷彿只是一個擁抱,一場共舞,就讓人血脈賁張, 非殺妻不可一般. 那麼,  Rishi之父Samarjit Singh Talwar (Amitabh Bachchan飾)每每搭訕靓女,動輒開party左擁右抱,色眼迷離, 豈非道德罪人 ? 抑或Karan Johar認為洋人臨老入花叢,就該是這付德性,為老不尊,色而無品? (難怪這次正牌夫人jaya bachchan沒按照k3g模式,跟他搭戲,或如kal ho na hol主演,反而換上kiran kher)


       這部電影的主題是婚姻&外遇&愛情, 五位主角中,Dev和Maya互動堪稱主戲,接著Rishi與Rhea為輔, 而Samarjit 與Kamaljit 這對暮年之交,看待下一代的婚姻, 有意借三重對比, 強化婚姻主題. 唯電影伊始即不曾深究,亦不曾回溯兩對新人的生活背景,個性,愛戀,很快就是八年後, 互看兩生厭的兩對夫妻,變成互換對象. Dev在意氣風發的足球巔峰(SOCCER,不是FOOTBALL.台詞屢口誤)偶遇徬徨的新娘Maya, 經他開導逗笑, Maya回到婚禮, 迎接新生活. 或許Maya一開始就選錯了方向,因為她對Rishi的生活沒有絲毫興趣,對他的所作所為也是冷眼看待. Dev也在轉身勸慰那一刻後,碰上車禍,腳骨碎裂,斷送黃金球員的生涯,Rhea和他形成女主外,男主內的生活形態. 依E.M. Foster的<<小說面面觀>>,圓型人物(Round Character)是小說角色登峰造極之作. Karan Johar描寫這兩對夫妻貌合神離, 也盡力強調Dev,Maya意欲挽救婚姻,  兩人連袂到家俱行, 躺在床上,大庭廣眾下學習調情, 所以有了Maya矇眼裝扮SM女王,錯入Rishi會議室的荒謬故事,也有Dev耳語呢喃於滿臉海藻泥的妻子的無稽之行. 這些小差錯不是不可能發生,機率太低, "挽救徒勞"竟流於荒誕不經, 最後夫妻漸行漸遠, Dev, Maya 莫非無可非議? 有必要眾目睽睽表演,讓人誤會dev-maya才是正牌夫妻? 實在難以說服觀眾,命運捉弄下的兩人無須為婚姻負責,或說外遇是必然發生的問題, 說不上對與錯.婚姻建築在虛無飄緲的愛情之上, 摧枯拉朽於明目張膽的調情. 


        兩相對比, Rishi, Rhea盡力的為家庭存亡努力, Rishi面對妻子無動於衷,甚至目睹妻子喜不自禁,將離家幽會,Rishi一改痞樣,呆立大門前, 整身散發尷尬無措的無力感. 他不曾作錯什麼, 同妻子談話, 妻子即刻限入夢鄉, 賺錢養家, 偶爾跳跳印度歌曲, 也招來睨視. (大概Maya很討厭Salman Khan, 才會看到Rishi在視聽室跳Maine Pyar Kyun Kia插曲, 一臉不屑) Rhea一方面要安撫丈夫,不離不棄,又得看著丈夫拿兒子作法出氣, 強忍摧裂心肝的悲傷.  這是Karan Johar寫得最好的一段, 或許這最貼近印度概念---- 委屈忍耐,顧全大局, 故而 Preity Zinta, Abhishek Bachchan的表演連帶地令人動容,天涯淪落人而相憐相舐傷, 也最讓人理解包容.  SRK的嫉妒丈夫, 重現他在 Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam的模樣, 咬牙切齒看著妻子跳舞. 逗笑Maya則反覆DDLJ和Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Yess Boss, Josh的臉部表情. Shah Rukh Khan五度掄元FILMFARE AWARD是這樣?


        本片海報聳動: " A love that broke all relationships" " 可是讓人拋妻棄子,不顧一切的愛情倒底在哪裡?







   1.  電影ENGLISH, HINDI參半.沒有字幕,亦能解一二. 讓人不耐煩的是片長3小時5分鐘,我還以為我看錯了. 歌舞一般. 場面夠大, 穿插點不佳, 三小時刪到兩小時就得了.


  2. 每次dev , maya都會在車站偶遇,請問美國紐約那麼大, 地鐵站這麼多, 人海茫茫, 天涯逢君如反掌.




1. Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna - Sonu Nigan & Alka Yagnik
2. Mitwa - Shafaqat Amanat Ali, Shankar Mahadevan & Caralisa
3. Where's The Party Tonight - Shaan, Vasundhara Das, Loy & Shankar Mahadevan
4. Tumhi Dekho Naa - Sonu Nigan & Alka Yagnik 最動聽的曲目,主旋律反覆當配樂. Alka Yagnik金嗓未老~
5. Mitwa Revisited - Shafaqat Amanat Ali, Shankar Mahadevan & Caralisa
6. Rock N Roll Soniye - Shankar Mahadevan, Shaan & Mahalaxmi Iyer (這位小姐出來搶地盤了 最近大戲都有她代唱的角色)
7. Farewell Trance - Shweta Pandit & Caralisa

Music :
Shankar - Ehsaan - Loy
Lyrics : Javed Akhtar

Trivia : 

Kajol was initially offered the lead role in this movie, but due to scheduling conflicts, since she had already signed up for Fanaa she had to refuse. She was originally going to play the role of Rani Mukherjee, and Rani was to play the role played by Preity Zinta.


先轉貼印度影評    寫得真好  (thanks to Jill, who sent this link to me)

btw. Ab jr. is a good friend of Priety Zinta but the first was close with Rani Mukerji. Rumors said they falled in love with each other before.  Priety Zinta is not fond of Rani Mukerji. 好混亂的bollywood gossip forums呀~ 


August 24, 2006 19:29 IST invited readers to send in their reviews of Karan Johar's Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna, and be part of the Rediff Movie Reviewers group.

The response was very good, and selecting the top ten reviews was an interesting task.

On Monday, we featured Amodini Sharma's review. On Tuesday, we featured Abhishek Asthana's review. On Wednesday, we featured Sumier Phalake's review.

Today, we feature a review by Kiran Kamath.

Dear Karan,

What were you thinking when you cast Shah Rukh Khan as Dev? As a disenchanted ex-'football' player whose career abruptly ends in a car accident, no character in the movie is miscast more than SRK. It is difficult to sympathise with Dev who just grumbles, pouts and cries like a school girl. Maybe, it's Shah Rukh, who fails to evoke any sort of sympathy for him by his loud acting. Hell, I sympathised with Aamir's character Rehaan in Fanaa and he was supposed to be a terrorist!

But, Shah Rukh simply can't portray the emotions needed for the viewer to have even an iota of compassion for Dev. Every Shah Rukh acting moment has:

a. Over-acting(這項 不一定)
b. Heavy breathing
c. Facial contortions
d. Extensive arching of eyebrows, and finally the grand daddy of them all,
e. Copious tears (這項大家一定不反對,他的眼睛可以充血到淚珠串串欲泫)

And why does he say football every time? I guess Karan Johar didn't know that Americans call it soccer. Football is an entirely a different game in the United States. More research, dear Karan.

What were you thinking when you cast Amitabh Bachchan in Ali-G clothing gear? Those loud fur lined coats made him look more like a cheap wannabe gangsta rapper! It's Amitabh who provides the comic relief and the few scenes he shares with Abhishek are amongst the best scenes, which stick in your mind long after you have rushed out of the theatre searching for headache medicine at the nearest Walgreens! Amitabh plays his role with gusto and proves that he isn't India's best actor for nothing.

What were you thinking when you cast Rani Mukerji as a crybaby Maya? Damn dude, all she does is cry, cry and cry a little more. She cried more in KANK than Nirupa Roy must have cried in all her movies. There is no justification for her to cheat on Abhishek. Let me see, she claims that Abhishek acts like a child and she starts a friendship with Shah Rukh who comes across as a disgruntled and irritating character. Now all Shah Rukh does is complain and of course, cry.

Now, aren't complaining and crying childish attributes? Maybe the glycerine in her eyes made it hard for Maya to see that Shah Rukh was the child, not Abhishek. To be honest, after a superlative performance in Black, it is disappointing to see that Rani's performance left much to be desired.

The movie would have been unbearable if it weren't for Abhishek Bachchan and Preity Zinta.

Preity does a great job in a half-baked role. I wish her character was more developed and she had more scenes. The feisty Preity comes to the fore in two scenes and she does a wonderful job. One, when Shah Rukh and she have an argument over the job promotion which she refuses, and two, when Shah Rukh confesses on having cheated on her. Notice her facial expressions when she says that the marriage is over.

Abhishek has stepped out of the shadow of his illustrious father and how! He shows a flair for comedy in the scenes with Amitabh. In the confrontation scenes with Rani, especially the last scene when he learns about Rani's extra-marital affair with Shah Rukh, Abhishek truly excels. That last scene covers a gamut of emotions, from anger to despondency, and Abhishek gets high points for that. Not once does the viewer feel that he is doing an acting job. A complete natural!

Technically, the movie has a Hollywood look. However, what could have had been a two- and-a-half hour movie has been stretched unnecessarily for three-and-a-half hours. Guess not just the audience but even the editor fell asleep while watching the movie.

Kiran Kamath, 30, is currently based in Houston, Texas, USA, and works at a software firm.



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