傳說中的 "公園大道十五號"
Meethi 回歸 子虛烏有 之鄉
Konkona Sen Sharma. 她的Middle name取自導演母親前夫之姓(Thanks to Shakthi's correct answer) .Last name則為父姓Sharma.她出自West Bengal "西孟加拉邦" 的電影名門.
真實存在的 Park Street. 不過這是位於公園街183號的Music World 影音行.那天全店打九折
I like a look of Agony
Because I know it is true
Men do not shame Convulsion
Nor simulate, a Throe
The Eyes glaze once - and that is Death
Impossible to fein
The Beads upon the Forehead
By homely Anguish strung.
by Emily Dickinson
我對加爾哥達並不熟稔,晑時來去僅那幾條街,而且步履沉重,於公園街幾近昏倒邊緣. (始作俑者,在說妳啦!)那條街上竟偶遇台灣人, 看地圖對號入座,除了友人說的公園街,則一無所獲. 電影兩女主角一開始駕著小汽車尋覓"公園大道", 長姊Anjali(Shabana Azmi飾)憤怒勸阻, Meethi (Konkona Sen飾) 近乎執抝, Meethi一閃而過的神情, 像是<<新橋戀人>>時期的 Juilette Binoche , 理智混和著少許癡狂, 然而加爾哥達不是花都巴黎, 主角不能流浪,不能在市區橋旁餐風飲露自成流浪漢的羅曼史,以加爾哥達為背景的<<公園大道十五號>>之劇情便不能拋低現實, Meethi , Anjali(暱稱Anu), Mrs. Gupta(Waheeda Rehman飾)母女三人的生活磨難, 表述貼近人世的心創歷程. 而Konkona Sen自然而洗練的表演,一掃吾人之於精神病詮釋的刻板印象.
一出場, Meethi早於七年前工作意外----遭受暴徒蹂躪,導致心神喪失, 旋及未婚夫Joydeep Roy解除婚約, Meethi和一愁莫展的母親,均仰賴長姐Anjali供養. Anjali長期求助於心理醫師,尋求妹妹康復之道.心理醫師Dr. Kunal Barua告知: "精神創傷可能是長時間累積, 並不全然牢繫某一重大事件", 電影開始穿插Anjali 口述,叨叨絮絮地說著與妹妹相處的困難, 後於東北印渡假巧遇Meethi前未婚夫Joydeep Roy(暱稱 Jojo), 前未婚夫的回憶適時加入其中, 人人抽絲剝繭, 務求meethi的病灶水落石出.
Dori Laub的心理學分析曾道: "心創事件雖屬真實,卻是在正常現實範圍外發生,超越尋常的因果'順序'時空." 這句話本為針對二戰時期納粹屠殺後倖存者的案例而發表. 因為這些受難者, 不是陷入苦難的惡夢之中三緘其口,就是宣示過去的苦難而疾呼後人警惕. 故事一代代傳述,或是一代代影響,前因後果時空終歸是一場可怕而恐怖的事件,它無所不在, 罹難者的亡魂與死亡經驗傳遞在生還者的生活之中,甚至當年的旁觀者波蘭人也捲入其中. 二戰納粹屠殺的案例, 轉注<<公園大道十五號>>, 竟也有超乎尋常的切合與絃外之音. Meethi的時空並非停滯, 她幻想丈夫Jojo和她共同孕育了五個孩子. 同時,她口中的丈夫遠渡中東工作,兒童的嘻鬧,歡笑,哭喊有時在Anjali口述的Meethi少女時期之前,有時出現於Meethi意外之後, 對於Anjali和心理醫生而言, 他們不斷召喚心創受害者Meethi的真實經歷, 心理醫生的傾聽也召喚著旁觀者Anjali的涉入.然而,尋找病史等同拼貼 "因果", "順序" ,"時空", Dr. Kunal Barua和Anjali建構出一個框架,但是心理創傷者停留在一個往覆來去,無休無止的過程,唯有將其籠罩心創的內在轉化為"邪惡的具體外在",方能完成訴說.他們自然一口咬定: 公園大道十五號純為何烏有之鄉. 完整呈現Meethi 的病史才是首要之事.
心理醫師傾聽,必得求助於旁觀者Anjali,Anjali必有其取捨. 自私的兄弟, 年邁的母親,心智喪失的妹妹 無形增加她的責任感, 她自覺有責任,慢慢塑造屬於她的故事,故事中有Meethi, 母親, 兄弟. 一如二戰納粹集中營的波蘭旁觀者, 部份人們強調自身的故事, 誇張了自身的英雄事蹟, 忘卻了朝夕相伴的垂危者之苦痛. Anjali也強調自身的悲劇性, 失控對母親咆哮:" 妳知道何原因嗎? ...就是因為妳們,我拒絕了求婚." 若說受害者Meethi等同猶太苦主,Anjali類同波蘭見證人.納粹集中營多次的毒氣屠殺, 茍活的波蘭人無奈地見證慘案.事後,部份旁觀者說明了自身的偉大, 將死亡者的財物取下,轉送所需者. 旁觀者並非冷血,現實之驚悚,讓他們唯依憑"英雄化",成為故事主角,以便忘卻.可其人之旁觀在史家論述毋寧是不可取的.Anjali正是如此,Meethi踟躇訪談,遂向其請益, Anjali鼓勵之餘, Meethi孤身遇險. 她訴說幼妹不幸,也強調幼妹和她的不幸,有多少真實,我們無從得知. 她類同於目睹慘案的旁觀者, 並非無知無覺,只是外化心創故事, 等於傷及她曾一同經歷的苦痛和過去時光. 一點一滴的生活磨難,消耗了她原本付予母親和幼妹浪漫的愛與親情,真實情況只能留待 Mrs.Gupta無限傷感地摩娑長女臉龐: "不,妳不惡劣,...妳非常貼心." (you are sweet)這時,旁觀者Anjali又形成了一個屬於自身的心創歷程.
雖然Anjali的旁觀與陳述也是最明白的"框架史料", 她從幼妹孤獨的童年, 到愛嬌愛美的青春年華, 最後強暴加身的工作時期. 一切有憑據,但問題回歸到原點,一切未必如Anjali和Dr. Kunal Barua所斷言, 他們最主要的工作是為了解決Meethi心創疾病, 反而讓傾聽, 拼湊成為整體工作, 喪失了真正瞭解Meethi的機會. 真實情況或許貼切Meethi的行逕, 她執著尋找想像的于歸之所"公園大道十五號",旁人眼中的無理失常, 反而見證她過去的歷史(即生活經驗),因為Meethi破除了見證的框架與其必然性. 人生不見得鉅細靡遺, 來歷可尋. 否則她幻想中的丈夫Jojo----已是兩名孩子的父親Joydeep出現在渡假勝地,她怎不識蕭郎是蕭郎. 心創的往覆,籠罩的陰影,也豈容易.
Dori Laub強調: "破除框架","不失份際的傾聽","存而不疑".(以上三點,散論於三篇文章中) 講述乃必要, 人們卻無法決定答案. 心創者的痛苦,最多換得他人"感同身受"的同情.有所感,如同身受,畢竟不是親受. Emily Dickinson冷峭寫下詩句: "她偏好痛苦的表情",更能顯示與痛苦結為一環.一瞬間的痛苦,不避諱,不羞赧, 超脫了其間框架. 劇末Meethi心滿意足在十五號前佇足停留,五名稚子笑臉可掬,丈夫Jojo褓抱提攜諸孩,迎接Meethi進入住所,而人們焦心地在街上尋找失蹤的Meethi. 有如告知: " 未能破除証據式的心創見證, 也就永遠也無法觸及心創往覆停留的世界."
連印度人都不看好賣座. 沒法子,這不是討好大眾的歌舞愛情片Chup Chup Ke,或是灑狗血的溫馨倫理家庭片black.
Aparna Sen’s 15 Park Avenue is just the sort of film that will receive much critical acclaim, but will stop short of popular acclaim. Here, for popular acclaim read Box Office Success, for that is the only measure of popular acclaim, and this strictly film-festival oriented film is highly unlikely to strike a chord with the masses. But you can’t blame her, because this film is clearly not for the masses.
First, it’s an Aparna Sen film, and second, it deals with a difficult subject like Schizophrenia.
The story of Mithi (brilliantly played by Konkona Sen Sharma) a schizophrenic young woman of 27, whose only anchor in life is her elder sister Anjali (Shabana Azmi in an excellent performance) who has put her own life on hold since she’s the only support of Mithi and their widowed mother (Waheeda Rehman the third of the three good performances in the film).
In Mithi’s schizophrenic mind is a world that is peopled only by her imaginary husband Jojo and five children -- each of whom she has fondly named. They live at an imaginary address: 15 Park Avenue. And her rambling, schizophrenic mind is a sponge that takes every external event and fits it in her own world. The entire film is Mithi’s desperate quest for 15 Park Avenue, for the love of the husband and children that could have been hers but for a brutal, traumatic experience that pushed her over the edge into the deep recesses of schizophrenia. While the address and the children are indeed the workings of her schizophrenic mind, the name of her ‘imaginary’ husband stems from the relationship Mithi had with Joydeep Roy, whom she used to call Jojo, and who was determined to marry her even though he knew she was mentally a bit challenged.
The brutal traumatic experience that pushed Mithi over the edge into the dark recesses of Schizophrenia was a stomach turning gang-rape by goons of a political party in a cow-belt town while she was on a news reporting assignment. Not only did it push Mithi into Schizophrenia, her trauma and her condition also pushed Jojo out of her life he realized he didn’t love her any longer, and felt it would be a betrayal of himself and her if he persisted with the relationship. So, while Jojo leaves Mithi’s life, he continues to inhabit the recesses of her mind.
And 15 Park Avenue is the story of a loving, stretched family that cares for Mithi, and tries desperately to come to grips with her condition that manifests itself in a never-ending quest for 15 Park Avenue. And till the end, till the climax, the quest never ends; but we’ll come to that in a moment.
The first thing that shines forth is the deftness with which Sen handles the delicate and complex task of depicting both: schizophrenia in a young woman who is a sister, daughter and a beloved, and its impact on the lives and relationships of her mother, sister and fiance. Excellent in parts, with an intense and depressing storyline because you can tell Mithi’s search will never end, 15 Park Avenue is studded with four very good performances by Konkona Sen Sharma, Shabana Azmi, Shefali Shah and Waheeda Rehman in that order. Hemant Chaturvedi’s camera work, and the truly eloquent background music underplayed but extremely complementary round off sensitive and emotionally and technically competent direction by Aparna Sen.
But 15 Park Avenue has its lacunae too. A very very verbose script. (才兩個小時. 倒底以何種標準評論呀? ) With every character sounding like everyone else, using the same kind of syntax and language, clipped, precisely written very Brit sentences. All rattled off perfectly without an er or a hum, without missing a beat. And pray why does Kanwaljeet (stiff performance as Shabana’s colleague who’s in love with her) speak with such a fake accent? And the usually competent actor Rahul Bose puts in an average performance, looking like he’s in a stupor throughout the film. Even though his wife (Shefali Shah) gets terribly worked up on learning he is meeting Mithi, he takes his time telling her about Mithi’s traumatic rape And how on earth did the Bengali man and Tamilian woman get firangi white kids with perfect yank accents?
The narrative, laden with the onerous task of balancing between demystifying schizophrenia and taking the story further, slacks in parts, particularly after the point where Jojo enters Mithi’s life again.
But Ms Sen saves the most perplexing touch for last. The ending. What on earth kind of an ending was that? One moment, Mithi is with Jojo, searching for 15 Park Avenue, and then next minute, she vanishes! And then, Ms Sen pulls the plug, with the super: A film by Aparna Sen. The climax takes away a great deal from an otherwise memorable film that shines in parts -- especially in the gripping slices of life that Ms Sen creates so deftly and tellingly. 15 Park Avenue, with all its slow pace, has the stamp of refined film-making that Aparna Sen is renowned for.