

至於她主演的影片被禁延,乃至被祭殺......,盧西迪(Salman Rushdie)因文賈罪,Aish以Dhoom II 的吻戲挨告,都是前車之鑑。



▲印度女星帕杜珂內遭人懸賞160萬美元。(圖/翻攝自Deepika Padukone臉書)

據外媒報導,寶萊塢大片《帕德瑪瓦蒂王后》原定12月1日上映,劇情主要在描述印度王后抵抗回教國王入侵的故事,由印度女星帕杜珂內(Deepika Padukone)主演,沒想到卻因為劇情引發爭議,引發印度教團體不滿,要求刪除爭議情節。

印度教團體的抗議越演越烈,執政黨印度人民黨的國會議員阿穆(Suraj Pal Amu)更在19日祭出160萬美元,懸賞女主角帕杜珂內的人頭,誇張的發言引發外界譁然!對此,帕杜珂內已向警方要求人身保護。

儘管片商Viacom18 Motion Pictures一再對外澄清,仍無法消弭反對聲浪,決定延後該片的上映時間。


Jitesh Pillaai talks about the Padmavati row

by  | Tue, Nov 21, 2017

Jitesh Pillaai talks about the Padmavati row

So you want to behead an actor or a director because they have made a film? And who gave you this right to issue a fatwa? As long as I know we are tolerant race proud of our culture and steeped in tradition.

Have you seen the film? How come you are so outraged at something that you “think” will be against our culture. And who are you guys to decide the morals of this country? Who are you to decide that the fabric of this country is being ravaged? 

What are the law makers doing? Is this how art is going to be treated? Imagine if we made a hue and cry about films like Mughal-e-Azam, saying it was not a true story and a travesty of history. Why shouldn’t a filmmaker be allowed creative licence when he isn’t hurting anyone’s sensibility. Who are you to say that our traditions and culture is in danger of being hurt and uprooted.

Padmavati be it fact or fiction deserves to be seen. If anything else, protect your sisters and mothers. Everyday there are cases of violence and misogyny against women in the states which are protesting against a ban on the film. Preserving our culture would mean protecting your womenfolk. Let’s pledge to make our country a safe place for women and children.

A film will never shake our moral fabric. Our moth eaten mindsets will. We need to rise up to the challenge against ignorance, intolerance and misleading people. Help us clean our beaches, help us educate our children. Help us to remove poverty and misery. Banning a film should be the least of our worries. Don’t bully filmmakers because they are soft targets. Don’t suffocate art with feudal theories. 

Lead us into the light. Give us back our movies. Movies heal and help to make the world a better brighter place. There’s no threat to Indian culture, but with this Orwellian nightmare, our movies are definitely under threat.

    創作者 吉祥天女 的頭像

    印度電影 Movie kya hai ?

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