女主角Piya (Kajol飾) 在餐廳閱讀 << 刺鳥 >> (又譯荊棘鳥, 澳洲小說) , 老潑皮 Ajay (Ajay Devgan) 故意搭訕. 男女主角全上了老粧. 聽取 二十五年前 "號稱" 動人的一見鍾情.
If a simple film needs a star to sell out, U Me Aur Hum, directed drily by Ajay Devgan, definetely needs Kajol. All the film is ditinguished by Kajol's nature.
U Me Aur Hum? ( 有劇情, 小心地雷 Spoiler)
某法文長篇小說說過 : " 歐洲最後一場大規模瘟疫發生於1832年", 西醫彼時為諸療之冠, 代表先進文明, 1832年不僅代表人類何時有效控制疫情, 另一方面可以說是人類已經知道病源, 能加以預防之未來,非而束手無策, 降災再施救. 瘟疫駭人聽聞, 引發人類聚落交叉感染,迅速身亡, 人過人, 一傳十十傳百, 沒警報般措手不及, << 水滸傳 >>中潘金蓮藥死武大的藉口 : "患了時疫...隔天就沒了." 人類史上的驚心滅種疫病有:傷寒, 水痘, 霍亂, 黃熱病, 流行性感冒,瘧疾, 鼠疫(黑死病), 猩紅熱. 醫療不斷進步, 人類發明了許多疫苗, 越瞭解疾病, 更加改善居住環境淨潔, 上列諸疫陸續在一些國家變成病, 再成零星小患, 終至絕跡, 半世紀內不曾有病例.
人類對於疾病的恐懼來自於無法控制, 難以對症下藥, 因為無能為力, 不管是否為急性傳染病,一旦人力未逮, 驚怖憂懼而生, 阿茲海默症(Alzheimer)無疑是當代之一, 雖云慢性病, 病患生理上和心理上逐漸退化, 一人罹病, 周遭親友生命亦變動. 其內其外就像世間聯繫像被一一拔掉管線, 病患家屬眼見的人是同一個人, 但彼此所交織的回憶失落片片, 哪怕再多提醒, 過去就是過去了, 腦海中的記憶不全然留得下來, 目前醫學只知道是腦病變, 罹病者分布於中老年, 沒有特效藥, 不能有效防患, 家屬所付出心力不見轉, 穨然見親人惡化. 英國電影<< 長路將盡 >> ( Iris , 2001), 法國電影 << 記得我愛妳 >> ( Se souvenir des belles choses, 2003 ), 韓國 << 腦海中的橡皮擦 >> (A moment to remember, 2005 ) ...等講述阿茲海默症者與親人間的愛失落與愛無常, 引人注意的是以往冠稱"老年癡呆症", 其實部份阿茲海默病人可能經由遺傳基因, 二十多歲就發生腦病變, 以燦爛之年迎未來之茫, 空間認知, 文字記憶紛紛剝落, 後兩部電影刻畫非驚怖憂懼所能概述. 近期寶萊塢電影 U Me Aur Hum ( 2008) 雖然前事之師 Black (2005) , 主角Piya (Kajol飾) 於婚後一年發病, 喪失行為能力, 歷程與晚年失智又不盡相同.
Ajay Devgan初執導筒選擇看似傷懷的題材, 可是五分之三片長描述Piya與Ajay相戀, 海上郵輪假期, 蔚藍海天男女主角追逐笑鬧, 俗爛喜劇在電影前半部中的"一見鐘情愛情"發揮盡致, 要不是Kajol直率的氣質主宰前半部電影, 以及 郵輪女侍惡整渡假醫師尚可一笑的話, Ajay Devgan敘事累贅脫拍, 歌舞隨便湊數, 不知所云, 切割畫面更非必要,他又不以表情見長, 油頭粉面扮搖滾情人, 一號表情笑起來像哭,哭起來像笑, 還來不及感人肺腑, 字幕一打出中場歇息的白光, 觀眾紛紛離席走避, 而且自始至終不知電影副標何謂: "Sometimes the most greatest journey is distance between two people". 撐得到五分之三的話, 觀眾可以全神觀賞Kajol的壓倒性勝利, 反正Ajay Devgan最宜演木訥丈夫, 無奈的眼神依舊無奈, 他也沒有其他的方式.演大情聖太為難了; 女主角Piya罹患早發性阿茲海默症 , Kajol初驚乍慌, 健忘失神, 暴燥動怒, 每一段表演均起伏劇烈, 唯其1/10000之一的發病機率微渺, 間歇性到持續性發病益加手足無措, 貼滿了小紙條也不能恢復原有認知能力, 她無助喊著: "我怎麼會忘了你的名字,...住的公寓門牌...,找不到回家的路.", 另一個不可避免的失憶, 她收拾嬰孩衣物, 孩子被放在澡缸差點溺斃, 淺掛溫馨的微笑摺疊衣物, 輕哼童謠,渾然不知不覺, 較恐怖片尤有過之.
電影未曾交待 Piya發病後的25年間逐漸惡化否(學理如是),疑慮不可知的失落猶幾分怔忡. 知大難將來, 自我安慰卻別無它法. 倒不出預料寶萊塢愛情至上----愛妻的丈夫心力交瘁,聲淚俱下喚醒失憶妻子, 25年後同慶銀婚, 電影作結於完美句點,好像一切都有了代價,至不是對著空氣, 使了勁沒作用, 那麼電影中的阿茲海默症如同兒戲了. 枉自先前驚怖憂懼, 愛能戰勝疾病, 甚至換取紅利回饋. 雖然前後呼應, 做為悲喜劇以及編導演, Ajay Devgan未必稱職. 阿茲海默失智像噱頭而非主題.
ps. 開場幾分鐘是老潑皮Ajay調戲失憶女Kajol/ 這兩人戲裡戲外是夫妻, 不見化學火花. 怎看怎彆扭. 戲中兒子要求老爸展現搭訕技巧, 一挑挑中餐廳內獨坐的Kajol, Ajay Devgan竟一付死樣活氣: "你一定要挑那位嗎?" "如果我能調戲她, 你要喊我一聲爹 " (If I can flirt with her, you call me dad) . 以前filmfare magazine 有篇專題 "十大被螢幕遺忘的情侶", Ajay Devgan + Kajol赫然在內.
轉貼 http://www.boxofficeindia.com/reviews.php?page=shownews&articleid=194&nCat=movie_reviews
U Me Aur Hum
Tuesday 15th April 2008 14.00 IST | |
Rony D'Costa It was said that this film is inspired by The Notebook. I haven’t seen The Notebook. But I had seen a film called Iris. U Me Aur Hum reminded me of Iris but not in a good way. Both films deal with Alzheimer. Both films has the woman suffering from the disease, but Iris had heart & soul and this only has heart. That’s the difference. The screenplay writers Robin Bhatt, Akash Khurana & Sutanu Gupta & the dialogue writer Ashwani Dhir do not do justice to the story by Ajay Devgan. Borrowing the oft repeated line by Ajay Devgan in the film, I would say "You know what" the first half of the screenplay is boring. The the second half tries to pack in too much and gets repetitive after a point. Ajay Devgan makes a clean & confident debut as a director but he excels only in snatches. I fail to understand why he wasted so much time in setting up the love story. (本片浪費時間, 別的導演比Ajay Devgan更瞭解Kajol的魅力,) As a director he fails to see through an average screenplay but succeeds in handling the emotional scenes very well. Two scenes stand out. The one when Kajol forgets the baby in the tub & second is when Ajay vents outs his feelings after a couple of drinks. Kajol comes up with a performance which should ideally have been her comeback role. She infuses that something extra to a role which is not clearly written. Ajay tries too hard to perform and it shows. Their chemistry is earnest. Out of the supporting cast Sumeet Raghvan makes a confident debut. He is an actor to watch out for. The rest of the cast are strictly okay. Music is not something that will stay on after you have left the theatre except the title song. This is one of Vishal Bhardwaj’s lowest scores. The cinematography is refreshing in the first half & moody in the second half. This is a film for everyone who suffers from the incurable disease called love. Only they can relate to a film like this. The message it gives out is that it is never about U or Me, it’s about Hum. If given a solid screenplay Ajay Devgan has the potential as a director to give us a very good film but this one is not that film. If you are an incurable romantic at heart, watch this film. |