frankly speaking, it is hardly possible to snapshot a beautiful picture through market dvd. every plot is extremely cruel. ms. koirala is , no more , edgy to be an idol of indian and nepalese fans.
Market 神女生涯原是夢, 小姑居處本無郎
自從2002年之後, Manisha Koirala的印度賣埠市場日漸萎縮, 慢慢居為配角, 偶爾在報章出現,也不過附之驥尾罷了. 一方面是這位高貴公主的脾氣,讓 bollywood招架不了;另一方面, 公主不必如市井小民為三餐奔波勞命, 公主盡情的尋找她最喜歡的生活, 近期還在紐約拿到表演碩士學位. Manisha Koirala既非現實生活中的親善大使, 也不是永遠掛著微笑招牌的樣板人偶; 她盡情地自娛自樂,徜徉自喜而不覺差池. 她曾說過:"看過音樂劇<<西貢小姐>>後,我一想到我自己也被稱為演員,真是羞得無地自容". 從上列話語可知, 她擇戲可不矯作顧及形象(ex.gupt花癡女,真的是胖得嚇人), 除了早期醉倒眾生的"小甜甜"角色, 97年之後戲路越走越寬: 革命女兵, 極道之妻, 家暴婦女, 神女生涯所在多有,而且絕非扭捏作態, 反而益常紮實地從角色肌理一刀切劃下去.
"庖丁解牛,躊躇滿志".莊子有謂. Market自編導演三者起充滿此等自信, 導演架鏡讓觀看清楚現代與農村並存的印度黑暗處,隨著鏡頭從Hyderabad著名的宣禮塔(Chaminar)起, 櫛比鱗次的伊斯蘭社群區,最後autorichshaw停留在燈紅酒綠之所, 一位自由戀愛可識人不清的中產階級少女,遭拆白黨夫婿賣入娼門, 旋及二樓倚門賣笑的女子假意奉承,再由天井俯照的撩撥尋芳客戲碼, 以及墜入火坑寧死可終究奈何的女子, 電影向觀眾言簡意賅寫實的"人肉市場",而且僅為其中一項慘案而已,主角Muskaan(manisha飾)的意外之旅, 才是導演編劇的焦點. 年少的Muskaan,以極其年輕的身體容貌成為Dubai遠系皇族姻親的娃娃新娘,七日不休的變態橫虐後被棄如蔽履,法廷公審又得不到正義,遠親假意收留,亦淫色騷擾; 墮落娼家,是她唯一能存活於世的方法.Muskaan完全的了無生趣, 槁木死灰的神色間偶發歇斯底里又殺氣騰騰,離開海德拉巴hyderabad到孟買,也不過從另一個火坑跳入另一個火坑.只是換了名目, 傳統Muskaan是市街風塵, 現代感的花名Malika跟著她從事星級飯店應召.反正世道一樣炎涼, 警員一樣地和人口買賣掛勾, 地下帝王賄絡號令白日的正義使者,而跨國殺手愛上應召女郎. 當初電影上映時, Bollywood不可避免拿Market與Chandir Bar(tabu)比較.其間雷同自是酒女與應召女題材, 然而 Market身手等同出道多年的庖丁, 相仿的題材展現在面前時, 導演看到的是牛骨關節的韌帶,骨格根根排列, 所以拍出來的Market沒有遮蔽目光的牛皮, 他一刀切下去,鮮血淋漓盡致, 沒有所謂的寧死不屈,沒有所謂的花前月下, 每個人言談著最現實的金錢,肉體,買賣,交易,人物個個猥瑣不堪.雖然 BOLLYWOOD拍寫實電影歌舞不能少, Market既無傳統舞蹈,也沒有現代浪漫; 支支歌舞盡情宣灑俗美,女郎們濃妝豔抹煙視媚行無所不為, 旋律雜遢激發而無法留下深刻印象, 益發襯出紙醉金迷黑夜魑魅噬囓. Bollywood歌舞向來讓人激賞,無論在什麼場景,片型,演員舞群總盡力說服大家歌舞蒙太奇拼湊的昇平或癡醉, 縱使悲傷也帶點憶往悵惘,Market卻要人覺得歌舞全帶著目的,穿插秀專門引誘尋芳客,演員賣力地庸俗下去. (Manisha Koirala很有勇氣,她"走樣了",誰會相信她是應召紅牌?)
Muskaan (or Malika)無意外的話,只有等到人老黃花,電影後半突然來個大轉彎,Malika和殺手悲戀淪於俗套,走著八零年代香港應召女郎電影系列那一套,(還有以黑幫純情為底色的"殺手 蝴蝶 夢"), 描述Dubai的地下帝王,殺手王子,印度同胞情完全欠缺深度,大異於前半部寫實基調. Muskaan掃射仇敵,固然大快人心,卻無其可能, 庖丁至此肢解解體, 刀鋒銳不可當, 戲體零散不完全. 一早安排Muskaan行道天涯孤身上路, 也絕非異事,非得跨國生死別離,正義伸張才形影相弔, 又回歸到bollywood的老戲路上去了, 果真應驗"神女生涯原是夢, 小姑居處本無郎 ". 那麼Muskaan自慚不配得到幸福( I am your bed partner but not your life partner), 是出於編導傳統概念必然的道德勸說?抑或抱怨現實的道情?
一般來說, 一篇文字末了不宜加入新議題, Market電影開場半小時卻讓我想起美國導演至Kolkata拍攝的記錄片Born into the Brothels: Calcutta's Red Light Kids(2004).導演選擇暗夜迷巷中的紅燈區孩童為主角, 孩童們開心地在攝影機前等待被選擇,得到學習機會, 短暫上的歡欣, 其後是其母出賣肉體的麻木無奈,Hyderbad的少女Muskaan何嘗不是. 紅燈區每一戶上演一模一樣的人生苦海,紛至沓來而不知明天或天明,孩童長大或許又是另一則母親故事的翻版. 導演接受外界指 斛: "沒有立場選擇八名孩童, 快樂之後,還不是面對一樣的人生", 可是畢竟這是大環境造成的. 一人之力有限, 她也可以選擇不拍攝,不涉入,不選擇曖昧的議題; 一如Market, 也可以拍得皆大歡喜, 飛上枝頭變鳳凰(像1990的Pretty Woman), 無庸極端嗜血. 但他們還是拍了. 至少觀眾得見他人角度下的生活方式與另一世界. 震聾伐聵也好,虛張聲勢也罷, "原來"也在那裡上演著.
'The best film of my career' Manisha Koirala's in the market for a new role Actress Manisha Koirala, who will star in Market, a Bollywood film on the flesh trade, says she has seen the exploitation of women pushed into prostitution and their trauma from close quarters. Koirala told reporters at the mahurat of the film at Mumbai's Filmalaya Studios that she had worked with commercial sex workers during her tenure as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) ambassador. The Nepalese actress is also associated with a city-based NGO working for the upliftment of sexually exploited women.
She said Market has the potential of becoming the best film of her career and takes the issue addressed in Madhur Bhandarkar's Chandni Bar, starring Tabu, a step further.
The film, directed by Prakash Shah and starring Sweta Menon, former Miss World Yukta Mookhey and former Mr India Aryan Vaid, has Koirala playing a Hyderabadi girl pushed into prostitution. Manisha elaborates on her role. "I play a poor Muslim girl from Hyderabad. I land up in a brothel due to certain circumstances and later, take revenge on the people who turned me into a prostitute."
The actress who made her debut in 1991 in Subhash Ghai's Saudagar and received critical acclaim for her performances in Mani Ratnam's Bombay, Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Khamoshi and Vidhu Vinod Chopra's 1942 -- A Love Story, said she was 'bored' of playing romantic leads in 'routine formula films'. "I have had enough of meaningless singing and dancing," she says. "I wanted to do something better so I tapped filmmakers who had strong storylines."
Koirala was last seen in an impressive role as the gangster's moll in Ram Gopal Varma's underworld saga, Company, also starring Ajay Devgan and Vivek Oberoi. She said Shah's Market had come to her 'as a breath of fresh air'.
"I was longing to be part of a project that portrays the reality of exploited women and when I heard the script of Market, I readily accepted it," she added.
Incidentally, she also turns producer with the remake of the Hollywood classic Fedora, starring herself and Mani Ratnam's assistant Sreenivas. To be directed by Sudhir Mishra, the film might also star Sushmita Sen. "I turned producer because it feels good to make good films. Though the film is about two girls, it is not a feminist film." The actress is very confident about Sreenivas, who has worked with great talents like Kamal Haasan and Girish Karnad
Meanwhile, Mookhey is delighted to work with Koirala. "Besides the story and role, which is fabulous, I was getting a chance to work with Manisha Koirala! I have grown up admiring her. She is stunning!
"Market goes behind the scenes of a sex worker. It is a very realistic film," she adds.
Mookhey is certain this film will be accepted and appreciated. "Cinema has come of age. People want meaningful cinema. They no longer watch films to see stars or the Swiss Alps. They want original films, not the same old stuff. They are welcoming new cinema like Chandni Bar, Aankhen, Raaz and Company."
Her debut film Pyaasa, starring Aftab Shivdasani, has been facing some problems and is scheduled for a September release. Director A Muthu was sacked in favour of Anil Mattoo, while producer Ramesh Sharma filed a complaint with the Association of Motion Pictures and Television Programme Producers' Association against Mookhey for harassment.
Mookhey shrugs it off, saying it was 'God's way' of telling her that she was 'meant for better things'. The actress reveals she plans to cut an album (she is a trained classical singer) and also plans to direct a film in two years.
"If I am passionate about something, I will do it. I did it in the Miss World beauty contest. I will do it again," she asserts.
UNI, with inputs from Ronjita Kulkarni