The representation of joss sticks in the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (唐五代文學香事書寫)
The scholars in the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms used to describe the aroma of joss sticks, for example, the specialities, kinds, and atmosphere which put an important impact on human livings. We are able to figure out the culture of joss sticks in these dynasties, based on the scholars’ feelings and experiences.
Those scholars concentrated on the culture of joss sticks which clearly reflected multiple activities and the living style of high-class society, so called representation of joss sticks, in court, in living style and in religious situations. In mean time, readers can understand how the people in the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms indulged themselves in the joss sticks.
When they expressed their responses to the past, or sadness; and mourned for their friends through the images of joss sticks, they evoked the memories about the former dyansties and displayed their sufferings. Obviously, joss sticks must give some keynotes to the previous memories which symbolize of deluxe courts, fading luxuries and waiting-ladies in court. We can itemize the joss sticks used into six categories, like in the court banquets, in the palaces, in the sleeping pillows and cushions, incense burners and cosmetics. In sum, joss sticks appeared in both personal staff and the whole huge space.
However, little the topic of joss sticks had mentioned before the Tang Dynasty. Through the images of joss sticks, incense burners, and the aroma of robes, scholars represented the experiences of career of their own in court.
Joss stickes always had an important role in scholars’ lifetime. Scholars interacted with joss sticks in space and showed the mutual activities with aromas of incenses in their literary works.
Furthermore, scholars in the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms attached religious situations with joss sticks, like depicting their meditation with joss sticks or reading classics with incense burners. The joss sticks in religious cases are not only material but also metaphorical. No matter where scholars were in these epochs, the image of joss sticks revealed the ideal utopia they were questing for.