
社會新鮮人Shruti: 瞧瞧這些女孩,裝模作樣假笑.(Anushka Sharma身型修長.下回配Ranbir Kapoor或AB Jr 吧!)




Band Baaja Baaraat- Shaadi Murabak, Happy Wedding 

Band Baaja Baarat(以下簡稱BBB)是對老寶萊塢影迷的回饋。


十年前BBC不解新興印度羅曼史出版業盛況:戀人屢在Taj Mahal的夕陽下輕吻做為歡樂大結局(擠滿各國觀光客的地點?),故事只約會聊天,不思議之純情。十年後被譁為保守的印度,採用老套好萊塢模式,男女共處辦公室冤家鬥氣,不過老套歸老套,《貼身情人》、《愛情限時簽》、《絕配冤家》可以在美國繁衍無數不及備載,那麼BBB置於老印度新舊德里,所謂辦公室戀情、假戲真作、公私不分,正好調味出另一種印度新穎創意料理。

 BBB的女主角ShrutiAnushka Sharma飾)開場角色類似DDJJKajol角色,她們都答應父母,學生生涯結束後接受媒妁之言,後者旅遊瑞士以獲得短暫自我;而十五年後BBBShruti有三年打工經驗,計劃成為首屈一指的婚禮設計師,五年歷練再走入家庭。印度人重視婚禮場面、鋪張熱鬧、親友團圓共賀可以連續熱鬧幾天幾夜,而且不僅要過得去、更要竭盡所有充場面、擺派頭、永生難忘,Shruti以三年見習,選擇將婚禮業舊瓶裝新酒,重貼標籤上市,經營快樂婚禮企畫公司(Shaadi Murabak),她很清楚自己的目標,人生進程,而非多年前等待良機、苗頭不對才待援的女孩。但事情往往一體兩面,她過於篤定,立下門規:辦公室不准有私情,要求拍檔Bittoo接受雇用條件,他更想逃離地主宿命,於是加入叔叔口中:「我們家族的男人不能做女人工作」。不幸的是,ShrutiBitto的個性專才恰好互補,兩人攜手克服困難,高高興興,融洽氣氛感染Shaadi Murabak,事業蒸蒸日上,然而男不惡、女妙色,兩人朝夕相處,常常加班不歸,豈能沒事人?Shruti正式闖出名號,打敗業界龍頭時,她主動選擇站一夜(還真像她們的情況一夜情one night stand),竟打破了自己定下的行規。電影中場休息恰好在此,吊足觀眾胃口。

 這部電影像是一本輔導級版本的印度羅曼史,尺度寬於十年前,追平印度世代。男女主角經營Shaadi Murabak,兩人情濃不化卻一再錯過開誠布公,迂迴繞圈,道地的九O年寶萊塢盛況歌舞旋風再起,融洽慶典讓兩人熱情尬舞,或齟齬時共舞相斥,歌舞一來一往張力十足,尤其時下寶萊塢罕見亂夢歌舞,歌舞節點正適當烘托。兩角自以為是諒解以及護衛自尊都是老套爆點,Anuskha Sharma以長挑外型,少女初涉世大無畏的氣質,擅用眼神傳達劇中感情與事業兩難全,時而拿得起放不下,時而決斷毅然。影片從纏綿溫存後,安排Bittoo騎機車送Shruti回家,德里清晨陽光灑在少女甜蜜臉龐上,髮絲縷縷隨風飄飄,笑容隱隱光影燁人,寶萊塢現代愛情片美少女出焉,她豐富的眉毛表演,柔情蜜意自信過人。


兩個角色從不解風情就張羅Shaadi Murabak。迨親自經歷缺乏感情烹調走味、沒有默契就籌畫不良,Shaadi Murabak重組開張,倒可視為兩人修行期滿的畢業證書,最好的證書當然是捐棄前嫌結婚,名符其實Happy WeddingShaadi Murabak


**題外:幸好熱愛旁遮普鄉土的Yash Raj Films不再執著,此回僅設定男主角是北印甘蔗農場富二代,除了配樂用傳統樂器前奏曲,以及蛻皮的變身秀(Adiyta Chopra製作的非得提昔年偉業嗎?這回用了1997 Dil to pagal hai我心狂野),乍聽彷若《板球尤物》Dil Bole Hadippa回魂。


Shruti, kya tu kushi hai ?  Ji hain. Haa~Lol


轉貼今日印度奢華鋪張婚禮新聞.兩豪門聯姻. High Flying Wedding.  March 4;_ylt=Av08KRdHhKu_pfc8VlLPhCu7scB_;_ylu=X3oDMTNva29tbG0xBGNjb2RlA3ZzaGFyZWFnMgRwa2cDODNkYjQzM2UtNjk3Yi0zZDU3LTk3NGItYTI0M2YwYmZmN2VmBHBvcwMzBHNlYwNtb3N0X3BvcHVsYXIEdmVyA2Q3ZWUyNzU2LTQ1NWQtMTFlMC04ZTA4LTc4ZTdkMWY1ODU1OA--;_ylv=3  印媒譴責浪費


When ex- MLA Jaunpuria’s daughter married Congress leader Kanwar Tanwar’s son, fireworks flew &so did the oohs &aahs on the father of the bride’s gift, afive- seater helicopter, to the groom.

Gifting cars, even expensive ones, to the daughter on her wedding is passé. It’s choppers that are in, if you have the moolah to dish out.

Two politicos proved they had the money on Tuesday as they wed their daughter and son in the Capital in a lavish ceremony that is estimated to have cost Rs 250 crore. (兩億五千盧比)The father of the bride, Yogita, was former MLA Sukhbir Singh Jaunpuria who has gifted a fiveseater helicopter to the groom, Lalit, the son of Congress leader Kanwar Singh Tanwar, better known as the richest candidate in the last Delhi assembly polls.

On the wedding day, the usual dark roads leading to Jaunapur village near Asola were lined with flowers and brightly lit by decorated bulbs from three kilometres before the village started. Almost 40 traffic policemen were on duty to manage the vehicles of 18,000 guests and 1,000 persons were looking after the arrangements at the grand farmhouse ceremony, touted to be the biggest Gujjar extravaganza in the entire community belt of Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana and Rajasthan.

Sources said the gift helicopter was parked at the IGI Airport after the family was denied permission to bring it to South Delhi for the engagement function on February 25 and the marriage ceremony on Tuesday.

However, Yogita’s family gifted the groom — who wore a garland made of Rs1,000 notes to his wedding — and his family a silver model of the chopper along with the keys. Many guests were found asking for a silver prototype of the same.

As for the wedding food, again, no expense was spared. The menu reportedly had varieties ranging from Italian, to Chinese, South Indian and Rajasthani, to boiled food for senior citizens. A guest said: “ Dishes like pani puri, sweets and pizzas were served on plates made of wood. There was no non- vegetarian food or alcohol.” But the party is not over yet.

According to sources, there will be two receptions — one on Thursday at Tanwar’s farmhouse in Asola and the other on Sunday at a five- star hotel in the Capital. “Actress Neha Dhupia will perform at the first reception with folksinger Gurdas Mann,” a source said.

Invites to the second reception have been sent to Bollywood biggies Shah Rukh Khan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan as well as PM Manmohan Singh, who is expected to be in attendance.(婚禮邀請SRK和Aish,可見電影BBB不是無中生有.)

The Tanwars relatives said Lalit had finished MBA from London and was taking care of his father’s transport business. The marriage was arranged as the families had known each other for generations and lived close by.

    創作者 吉祥天女 的頭像

    印度電影 Movie kya hai ?

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