

Ararat是亞美尼亞聖山.圖右是導演妻子動輒湊一角.eg.<<色情酒店>>(Exotica,1994,<<闔家觀賞>>(Family Viewing,1987),<<意外的春天>>(The Sweet Hereafter,1997)春暉電影臺播過.(消失的有線頻道)真善美戲院上映


土耳其遲遲未能成為歐盟國之因,部份惡緣於這部"痛史"--種族屠殺。土耳其於第一次世界大戰期間大肆射殺境內亞美尼亞人,將其族人逮捕流配到黎巴嫩。1915年到1917年約65-150萬亞美尼亞人遭屠殺,大批成年男性被殺害,老弱婦孺四處流放,歷史學家普稱之亞美尼亞屠殺事件(Armenian Genocide),與猶太人屠殺、南京大屠殺並列二十世紀人類歷史三大屠殺之一。土耳其官方拒絕國際評議慘絕人寰滅種屠殺。裴聲國際的土耳其文學家/諾貝爾文學獎得主Orhan Pamuk曾籲請國家正視亞美尼亞大屠殺,觸犯國法,必須出庭應訊。

亞美尼亞裔加籍導演Atom Egoyan曾拍<<A級控訴>>(Ararat2002 CD很棒)提醒族人。由世界民族器樂大師Mychael Danna譜電影配樂,Mychael Danna擺脫中東器樂舊式虛應,東正教頌歌加上傳統樂器經緯流離辭怯。Mychael Danna能寫60年代美國氛圍,能寫異國東方主義,能寫宗教禁梏的男性情愫,也能寫居爾特神話傳奇(與弟弟Jeff Danna合作)。他與印度的淵源來自 Mira Nair的<<欲望與智慧>>(1996),<<浮華新世界>> Vanity Fair2005還有Deepa Mehta的<<禍水>>(2005A.R.Rehman合作)

去年臺灣上映的<<雲雀山莊的情人>>(La masseria delle allodoleThe Lark Farm2007)正是為這段歷史發聲。演繹亞美尼亞女性被流配千里的主角卻是以<<露西亞與慾樂園>>(Lucia y el Sexo,2001。華文翻譯切題,西文直譯則露骨閃爍影壇的西班牙女星Paz Vega,當其時<<極地戀人>>(Los amantes del Círculo Polar)的”Anna”給導演面子替她壯聲色。如今新角熬成主角,一場為親族遺孤拋棄豪族千金自尊獻身野地療饑戲掌握心理層面,逆境人皆猜忌,大小無一例外,又恨又悲。她逆生理年齡成長,越來越漂亮,比出道時美得多了,應該不是整容。近年儼然為西班牙國片代言人,唯至好萊塢,從頭開始,演墨西哥非法打工移民。母國待遇好些。一樣跨出母國到美洲與法國開疆闢土,Penelope Cruz從不曾當小配角,兼惜肉如金,Pedro Almodovar作品<<破碎的擁抱>>(Los abrazos rotos,2009)央請她再點燃民族血性的”熱情澎湃"。


Armenia-Turkey sign peace deal, pitfalls ahead

By Zerin Elci and Jeff Mason

ZURICH (Reuters) - Turkey and Armenia signed a landmark peace accord on Saturday to restore ties and open their shared border after a century of hostility stemming from the World War One mass killing of Armenians by Ottoman forces.

But in an indication of the many pitfalls that lie ahead of its implementation, the ceremony was marred by a three-hour delay due to last-minute disagreements on statements, forcing U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to engage in intense discussions to salvage a deal.

Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and his Armenian counterpart Edward Nalbandian signed the Swiss-mediated deal in Zurich at a ceremony also attended by European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and France's Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner.

The Turkish and Armenian parliaments must now approve the deal in the face of opposition from nationalists on both sides and a Armenian diaspora which insists Turkey acknowledge the killings of up to 1.5 million Armenians as genocide.

If an agreement comes into effect, it would boost European Union candidate Turkey's diplomatic clout in the volatile South Caucasus, a transit corridor for oil and gas to the West.

Before the deal was inked at the University of Zurich, Clinton returned to her hotel to help smooth over objections with Nalbandian over statements to be read at the ceremony.

She then held a long telephone call with Davutoglu before meeting Nalbandian, with whom she returned to the venue in her motorcade hours later in a night of high drama.

Clinton later promised the United States would do everything it could to build on the "milestone" that Turkey and Armenia had achieved.

Clinton, who declared herself "very pleased" that the protocols had been signed, said both countries had concerns that had delayed the signing ceremony.

Ties between the two neighbors are traumatised by the deportations and mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks, and normalization efforts have been hampered by a decades-old dispute between Turkey's ally Azerbaijan and Armenia over the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Turkey cut ties and shut its border with Armenia in 1993 in support of Turkic-speaking Azerbaijan which was then fighting a losing battle against Armenian separatists in Karabakh.


Turkish officials told Reuters the two sides had many disagreements over each others' statements, including oblique references to the Karabakh conflict. In the end, neither Davutolgu nor Nalbandian made public statements.

The delay left Solana, Lavrov and Kouchner waiting for more than two hours while the Americans met the Armenians at a nearby hotel in what Reuters witnesses described as tense talks.

Organizers of Saturday's ceremony, which capped months of negotiations, said plans to play Handel's soaring "Royal Fireworks" while the two ministers signed the protocol, were canceled at the last minute. 

smiling Davutoglu and a stony-faced Nalbandian sat at a table to sign the deal. Once they had put their signatures on several pages, they stood up and shook hands to applause and exchanged hugs and handshakes with the other ministers.

"Your political courage, your relentless efforts and your generous vision has made this agreement possible," Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey said.

The European Union welcomed the signing.

"The signature of the protocols confirms the desire of both Turkey and Armenia to turn a page and build a new future. This opens new perspectives for the solution of conflicts, notably in Nagorno-Karabakh," EU External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner said in a statement.

Although landlocked Armenia stands to make big gains, opening its impoverished economy to trade and investment, Armenia's leader Serzh Sarksyan faces protests at home and from the huge Armenian diaspora, which views the thaw with suspicion.

Armenians demand that Turkey acknowledge the 1915 killings as genocide, a defining element in Armenian national identity.

"Any relations with Turkey cannot call into question that genocide was committed against the Armenian people. This should be recognized and condemned by humankind," Sarksyan said in a televised address before the ceremony.

Under the deal, Turkey and Armenia will set up a commission of international experts to study the events.

Nationalist lawmakers in Turkey have pledged to vote against the deal, and Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said earlier this year he would not open the border until Yerevan ended what he called its occupation of Azerbaijan.

(Additional reporting by Katie Reid in Zurich, Hasmik Mkrtchyan in Yerevan and Margarita Antidze in Tbilisi; Writing by Ibon Villelabeitia; editing by Robin Pomeroy)









從19世紀末期開始,奧圖曼土耳其帝國的亞美尼亞少數民族開始展現民族主義的渴望,並獲得美國、日內瓦及喬治亞首都特比利西(Tbilisi)等地流亡團體的支持。主要由庫德族人(Kurds)組成的奧圖曼非正規軍鎮壓亞美尼亞人,導致1894至1896年之間,約3萬名亞美尼亞人在安納托利亞(Anatolia)東部遭到屠殺。亞美尼亞好戰份子佔領奧圖曼銀行(Ottoman Bank)之後,有另外數千名亞美尼亞人於1896年8月在君士坦丁堡(Constantinople,土耳其東部都市,現名伊斯坦堡)遭到殺害。許多大國威脅介入之後,屠殺才停止。






土耳其之前表示,奧圖曼土耳其帝國崩潰時的暴亂與混亂期間,信仰基督教的亞美尼亞人及遵奉伊斯蘭教的土耳其人都有許多人喪生。土耳其法律規定,如果將這些死亡稱為「種族屠殺」(genocide),就觸犯刑事罪行。亞美尼亞堅稱這些殺戮應該宣告為種族屠殺。薩奇席恩(Serzh Sarksyan)總統在亞美尼亞種族屠殺紀念日(Genocide Day)演說中表示,他的首要施政要務就是讓國際社會發言譴責這起殺戮。


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